Top Stock Picks for 2021

February 1, 2021

Stock Symbol(s) Industry Alert Price* Target Price ** Justification
1. DRDGold DRD Gold $3 $20 - $4B in annual revenue with a market cap under $1B.
- Continuing double-digit quarterly revenue and earnings growth
- Higher gold price

2. Dynacor Gold Mines DNGDF; DNG.TO Gold $1.20 $2.60 - Growth in production as operations return from COVID shutdowns and delays
- Higher gold price
- Industry-leading 3.1% dividend

3. eBay EBAY Tech $48 $65 - Undervalued compared to peers
- Strong earnings and revenue growth during pandemic

4. Stone Harbor Emerging Markets Fund EDF Emerging Markets $6.25 $10 - Emerging markets are expected to outperform
- 11.85% dividend expected to be paid on monthly basis ($0.08 per share)

*The Alert Price is the market price when Investinations started covering a stock.
**The highest price Investinations expects a stock to reach in 2021.

Investinations is not a registered broker or investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. This site or its owners may own one or more stocks or investment instruments mentioned, discussed or otherwise promoted on this site.


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